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© reMIXstudio
1 / 9 view towards the rice fields

busan | 城市生态编码

Format | 形式: international competition | 国际设计竞赛
Year | 年份: 2010
Type | 类型: territorial analysis and masterplan development | 区域分析及城市总体规划
Size | 规模: 18 sqkm | 18 平方公里
Location| 地点: Gadeokdo, Busan, South Korea | 韩国,釜山
Collaboration with | 合作人: Anna Lambertini, Paolo Battaglia, Rui Liu, Tina Qiu, Camilla Dubini
2 / 9 indexing


“What is interesting today, and what matters, is infrastructure. Although modernists offered this inside long ago, only today can we see that it was actually prophecy.”
Sanford Kwinter


-The analysis of the urban morphology reveals a rhizomatic pattern in which a spatial structure is roughly recognizable. The constructions overlap randomly generating a chaotic in-between space of informal surfaces.
-This urban structure reveals the historical lack of urban codes.
-The space of the village is defined by fishing areas and crops, the public is residual, at first lacking a clear form of expression and intent.
-Overall the urban spaces and infrastructures maintain their specificity, preserving a local scale of relations that seamlessly allow their integration within the natural landscape.


- 韩国Gadeokdo,18平方公里
- 村落的主要产业是渔业和种植业,公共空间只是剩余的被动的空间,缺乏明确的设计意图。
3 / 9 scripting process

From typology to bio-morphology

The milieu of this project is the understanding of the relationship between two terms: natural and artificial. Its aim is the reconsideration, the “profanation” and re-description of these two adjectives that nowadays are framing a system of cultural/social/epistemological impasse.
Our design seeks a responsive and relational approach in which the process becomes the active protagonist of the morphogenesis, defining scales, relationships and forms... The biological form of expression and its generative code are our political decision, the agents that filter and allow the pathology of two isolated antithetic entities, such as self-complacent buildings and naïve unproductive landscapes, to be resolved organically, at once.
Nature is a fluid system of temporal emergences, which has to be scientifically analyzed to be then genetically modified.
A parametric understanding allows a more thorough assessment of the environment and offers specific and complex design solutions that could integrate several systems and layers of information: ecological, social and spatial.



4 / 9 masterplan infrastructure


The project “ec(os)cript” schematizes an infrastructural intervention, evaluating and synthesizing several aspects and visualizing the island underlying data-scape to propose a symbiotic “material organization”.
The continuous exchange, mutual relationships and definition of genotypic (existing conditions, materials, energetic landscapes) and phenotypic (users' will and environment continuous alteration) elements point towards a definition of an “epigenetic landscape”.

The aspects considered are:
-the energies and qualities of the territory quantifying its rate of production, movements of goods
-the system of road (car and pedestrians) and water transportation; its deficiencies and intensities
-the morphology and the composition of the existing settlements in forms of space relationships,
-the commercial aspect of the island and its future urban expansion as proposed by the competition brief, critically assessing which could become its future ecological thresholds.


对交换关系、互利共生、遗传型(现有状况、材质、能源景观)以及表现型(用户的意向和环境的改变)元素的定义都汇入到“Epigenetic Landscape”的界定。

- 量化土地性能、生产速率、物流、能源等数据
- 道路系统(车辆与人流)和水上运输的优劣比较
- 现存的形态与结构在空间中的相互关系
- 在竞赛任务书中对岛屿的商业建设与城市发展进行了评估,这可能是向岛屿未来生态建设所迈出的第一步。
5 / 9 cluster analysis

The algorithm “ec(os)cript” is a processual device and its formal output is directed by parameters that define intensities. The genetic code operates at two different levels working as a feed-back loop machine in which:
-at a macro scale a dynamic range and variable mixture of activities is constantly monitored and driven by the municipality. The overall relations, the monetary output and its commercial value can be precisely defined due to the constant exchange of information with the island rates of production.
-at a micro scale the system resilience allows the users, actual and future inhabitant to define their proper niche, forming and protecting their vital scenario. At this level, formal and effectual relations can be manually operated by the users on the local code through the definition of parameters such as scale, proximity, mass, growth, inclusion, exclusion, openness, closeness, attraction, repulsion… the combination of these relations leads to a site-user specific architectural definition.

- 从宏观上调控政府监督和管理范围内的活动。通过生产率以及信息交换我们能够准确定义岛屿的全面关系、经营额度与商业价值。
- 从微观形式上来看,该系统允许居民通过改善环境的方式来定义各自宜居的生活空间。在这基础之上,用户可以依据地方导则有效地调控诸如规模尺度、长短距离、群众关系、发展方式、容量大小、排斥强度、开放性质、保守性质、吸引力等参数。综上所述,这样的一种组合关系使得居住者对建筑的定义不再千篇一律。
6 / 9 micro-cluster formation

The ongoing nature of the process enables different configurations. Framing multiple and potential scenarios and responding to the market contingencies has an implicit risk: being completely oblivious of the political implication that this freedom could cause and of the potential damages that the public space, the space of the collectivity, might suffer.
We believe that the system boundaries should be tight enough to define punctually an infrastructure able to draw the distinction between what is labile, modifiable, vague and reprogrammable, in this case by the economic agenda of the market, and what should be on the other side the empty space of sociality.
We tactically achieve the goal linking punctually and spatially the infrastructure, the system production and the public space.

7 / 9 spatial relationships

In this sense, although the process is free to be changed at different times/scales, the overall spatial qualities are defined, the masterplan could be temporally transformed but its pace of growth will remain unchanged. The infrastructure becomes a ground of possibilities, being a performative technical manufact and a public space at once.
The project is therefore structured as follows: a superstructure at the level of macro-areas that connects the five big clusters (Nulcha, the new port, the airport, base 1 and base 2), a mobility that wraps around the primary cluster with a dense network of connections and a secondary pedestrian layer that goes inside the blocks.

8 / 9 view from the main axis


The “micro” defines the project core and the precondition necessary to its sustainability. The masterplan is composed by the aggregation of ecologically independent clusters in which their entity - mixture, rate and volume of activities - has been defined at a macro level but their behavior could be locally corrupted and modified within certain flexible thresholds. Thus, potential flaws pertaining one cell affect the other components only partially protecting the overall functionality of the system.



关于城市导则与用户(居民 - 市政府)之间的互动关系,我们考虑过2个方案:
- 主动性的积极参与并最终主导系统。用户可以参加公共活动、业务,可以不停地改变岛屿的未来。
- 被动性的“拒绝战略”,只能成功改变区域内极少部分的区块跟民众。
9 / 9 test of the interior effects


The “ec(os)cript” project is an ongoing process, an immanent subject whose configuration is flexible and tailored locally on the transformation of the territory and on the user will. Although the time is a dimension of every urban project, here it is embodied in the DNA of the process. The configuration that we are presenting is just a fragment, a crystallized image extracted from a possible evolution.
Two options are contemplated about the interaction between the code and the users (inhabitants-municipality):
-active participation leading to a temporal subjugation to the operative system. The user could take part in the collective arena constantly modulating and remodeling the future of the island.
-passive “strategy of refusal” in which only very strict local and personal parameters can be changed.


关于城市导则与用户(居民 - 市政府)之间的互动关系,我们考虑过2个提议方案: